Migration from 4.9.2 to 4.10 LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for Function

I’m trying to upgrade and received the following warnings.
No idea why

[2015.11.12-17.19.43:463][  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for Function /Game/Characters/Bots/Blueprints/Mixamo_Maria.Mixamo_Maria_C:UserConstructionScript; removing parent information, but keeping function
[2015.11.12-17.19.43:470][  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for Function /Game/Characters/Bots/Blueprints/Mixamo_Vanguard.Mixamo_Vanguard_C:UserConstructionScript; removing parent information, but keeping function
[2015.11.12-17.19.43:628][  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for Function /Game/GameObjects/Boosters/BP_EnergyBoosterBig.BP_EnergyBoosterBig_C:UserConstructionScript; removing parent information, but keeping function
[2015.11.12-17.19.43:632][  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for Function /Game/GameObjects/Boosters/BP_EnergyBoosterMedium.BP_EnergyBoosterMedium_C:UserConstructionScript; removing parent information, but keeping function
[2015.11.12-17.19.43:642][  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for Function /Game/GameObjects/Boosters/BP_PowerBoosterBig.BP_PowerBoosterBig_C:UserConstructionScript; removing parent information, but keeping function
[2015.11.12-17.19.43:646][  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for Function /Game/GameObjects/Boosters/BP_PowerBoosterMedium.BP_PowerBoosterMedium_C:UserConstructionScript; removing parent information, but keeping function
[2015.11.12-17.19.43:650][  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for Function /Game/GameObjects/Boosters/BP_PowerBoosterSmall.BP_PowerBoosterSmall_C:UserConstructionScript; removing parent information, but keeping function
[2015.11.12-17.19.43:657][  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for Function /Game/GameObjects/Boosters/BP_SpeedBoosterBig.BP_SpeedBoosterBig_C:UserConstructionScript; removing parent information, but keeping function

No way to remove this warning and when playing, crash the editor.


Have you tried to re-compile all of your blueprint after migrate to 4.10? Go to each the blueprint that was mentioned in the error log and check them?

Yes I did. But no way the message is still there. I have no idea if it has an impact since the assets are working.

I had an answer on this question on another thread.
We can close it.

Which topic in which thread?

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