A coworkers was working so I compared and discovered I didn’t have the .Net SDK component installed in my VS 2022. I installed that and suddenly the generate project files started working again. Maybe try that?
This might be a stupid question but did you right click your game in the project solution in vs and choose “Set as startup project”? (your game project should be in bold)
the line
1>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
I think that was it. I check the “.NET 6.0 runtime” and now a .sln file gets generated. Still working out other errors, … but I am confident it will work.
So it turns out, there is a problem with renaming C++ projects. When cloning a project Unreal warns you that it might not compile - w/o any advice what to do about it.
Now I cloned my project by selecting a different folder, yet keeping the same name … and switching engine versions worked, w/o even starting VSC or Rider.