Migrating Third Person Template Character - Animation Blueprint Error

Hello! I recently tried to move the third person character blueprint (by migrating) into a separate project. First off, the odd thing (that is mostly resolved) that happened was that all of the animations, skeletons, and everything else got disassociated from each other - I’ve since fixed most of these. However, the one error that I can’t fix are these two in ThirdPersonAnimBlueprint. They both say “ICE: Player node Play (None) was not processed prior to handling a transition getter K2Node_TransitionRuleGetter that used it”.
For the first error, clicking on the Play (None) sends me to “JumpStart (state)”, but I have already replaced “Play (None)” with “Play ThirdPersonJump_Start”, and clicking on the K2Node_TransitionRuleGetter sends me to “JumpStart to JumpLoop (rule)”, which is a read-only blueprint.

For the second error, it sends me to “JumpEnd (state)” and “JumpEnd to Idle/Run (rule)” consecutively, where I ahve also replaced “Play (None)” with “Play ThirdPersonJump_End”.

I’m not too experienced with animation or asset migration so I have no idea where to go from here.

When you migrated did you make sure to migrate directly to the content folder and not to a folder inside the content folder?

(sorry for the late response) No I didn’t, I DID move it to a subdirectory. I’ll try that right now.

Okay… that was kind of obvious. Basically, when I migrated it to my other project, I didn’t put it in the root content directory (I didn’t want to flood it with files, and I didn’t know that it created a subdirectory for it anyways) and put it in a subdirectory instead, which seemed to break a lot of references.

So, how do I fix this? Sorry I’m pretty new at this…