Migrating assets from an old project?

Hey all!
Thanks for taking a look at this, I’m having a bit of trouble with my project. I have an old project that I’m trying to migrate assets from. It was a large team project, so I’m only interested in porting the art assets with all of the materials intact. I have a new blank project that is using the same old version as the old project (4.19), and I’m using the “migrate” feature on my asset folders like Meshes and Textures. It says that they are migrated successfully, but the .uassets don’t seem to appear in the new project’s Content Browser. Is there another step that I’m not doing? Here is a pic of what I’m seeing:

I even tried a potential solution I found on the internet which was try deleting the asset registry found in the ‘Intermediate’ folder within the project folder. I did this just by renaming the Intermediate folder to Intermediate-backup and then Unreal created a fresh Intermediate folder when I started the project up again. This, however, didn’t seem to make a difference.

If anyone knows of a solution or has some guidance on this, I would super appreciate it! Thank you so much in advance!

Hi there,
I would try the following steps:
Make a copy of your old project and update it to the same engine version of the target one. Open it up and wait for shaders compiling. Open output log and look for any warnings or errors pointing to your desired files. Close the target project and migrate your content again.

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