Migrating Assets from a seperate project to a Perforce project

Hey Guys,

I have a what looks like a simple problem, but due to lack of knowledge or techincal backrgound seems to be getting in my way.
I am developing on 2 machines, one is used by my colleague and one by me. We have perforce set up so we can work on the same project (lets call this Project A) at the same time without interfereing and coninously keep updating in the same project space. I have now encountered a situation where I want to migrate my “Motion Controller Pawn” from a new project (lets call it Project B) to the project on perforce (Project A).
I migrate my assets from B to A, but i cant see them in project A. They just dont show up on content browser, but they are visible in the P4V client. I mark them for add and submit the changes. They turn to green tick marks. But they dont show up in the content browser, even after I resart the ue4 project A.

I am sure I am doing something small or fundamentally wrong. I have not dived deep into source control, and I dont have a backgroudn in coding or computers really. All self taught. So if any one has any ideas as to what I am doing wrong, please let me know! Any help is much appreciated.


It turns out that I was trying to migrate from and to different version of UE4 which is why the assets wont show up because it was no longer compatible. I hope this helps some one else in the future if they stumble upon a similar problem.