Migrating 4.24 BP Quaternion function library to 4.25

So I purchased a BP Quaternion function library on the unreal store. Its for 4.24 not the 4.25 I have. If I installed UE 4.24 could I pull the .h and .cpp library files and migrate it to 4.25? If not, does anyone have a solution. I have a library for Quats in BP but it doesnt have everything I need.


Is this the Quaternion Lib from ImmutableLambda? If so it looks like they only have c++ classes, so it would seem like an easy copy to the source folder of your project. If you are wanting to avoid creating a 4.24 project first, you could check your VaultCache for the files. C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\VaultCache

Perfect, Thanks worked well!!