Migrate Marketplace purchases to Fab


I have a silly question/request.
If I’ve understood correctly, it won’t be possible to import packs bought up to now using Fab. You’ll have to import packs bought on marketplace from the launcher, and packs bought on Fab from UE.

Obviously, there are no plans to migrate purchases, if I’ve understood correctly. In that case, could we consider setting up a 100% discount code for marketplace packs already purchased, in order to reacquire them on Fab? This would make it easy to migrate purchases to Fab.

Hi @AzureDreamStudio . All UE products acquired from UE Marketplace will be available in the UE Vault. If a product that you previously acquired on UE Marketplace has been published on Fab, that product will also be available in Fab under ‘My Library’.

Does that answer your question?