Migrate Level from UE4 to UE5 game

I have a Game1 made with UE4, it has changes in the engine, new components, classes etc.
I want to make Game2 with UE5 and start with migrating level from Game1 to Game2. Level and asset migration was successful, but any attempt to open the level or actors that use code from Game1(UE4) causes UE5 to crash. Most of those are gameplay - related actors, I’m not interested in those.

  1. Can I somehow run migrated level without crashing it, even with broken actors?
  2. Can I track which assets are causing the crash, without building and running UE5 from the source code?
  3. Maybe there is a way that I can migrate only stuff that works on UE4 side(I don’t know how to track it)?
  4. Any other way?


What does the error log say?

You need to remove all non-migratable assets from the map. Duplicate the map in UE4, remove the assets, migrate.