Midi notes reading

I found out that Midi Asset is not working in 4.26 and because I wanted to try some things with Quartz and midi I spent sometime coding. I made small class to read some midi files info from blueprint. These are Ticks per quarter (Pulse per Quarter), deltatimes in ticks, NoteOn, NoteOff, and pitch. I am not sure this is good coding but it works somehow. Any emprovements are welcome. GitHub - doudar41/UE4MidiFileReading: This is c++ class that makes Blueprints in UE4 allowing to read
Because I need it for specific reason I don’t need to make it read meta messages and controllers but I believe it can be added with little affords.

Need to say that part of code were taken from OneLoneCoder (Javidx9) · GitHub



I am also trying to use the timing accuracy of Quartz with the beat information of a midi file. There is not much information on the internet on how to do such a thing. Could you share a bit more how you used this class? Or even make a little video? Thanks!