MIDI device stops sending events after some time [MIDI Device Support Plugin]

I’m building a game that uses a MIDI device as input (enabled with use of the MIDI Device Support Plugin in Unreal). I’ve noticed that every time I run the game, my MIDI devices will stop sending events eventually. The game will successfully receive MIDI input for 1-30 seconds before events stop coming through. If I restart the game, MIDI events start coming through again (then eventually stop).

Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Garbage collection is deleting it! Store a reference to the midi controller in an active BP to have it persist.

I have same problem - https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/blueprint-visual-scripting/1735952-midi-device-disconnect-help
Please how can I Store a reference to the midi controller in an active BP. I am beginner in BP. Thank you

The trick is to store it as a variable, in some blueprint that exists in the level!