C++ Programmer (Middle dev), Blueprint Scripting (Junior), Electronics Engineer (Senior).
About 2 years of experience with UE 4
Current Work/Position:
For 4+ years I am working as a Programmer (Software Dev.) in Timer (pronoun. “Teemer”, it’s in Russian Federation) Bank
Previous Works:
- About 1 year I worked as a Software Dev. position in Design bureau «Knock Knock» (company closed)
- About 2.4 years as a Senior Administrator of business applications and Senior software tester in Beeline TM, ООО «Unitel» (VimpelCom, NASDAQ:VIP)
- About 0.5 year at position Software Dev. in ORGRES - automation of Thermal power plants monitoring.
**My CV: **
**My projects: **
[SUB]Skype: [/SUB]
Who am I:
- I am a Software Developer and an Electronic Engineer, with work experience about 10 year. I am from Russia, but I am willing to relocate to EU / US / Canada. Currently, my specialization is C++, T-SQL, Java (Spring Framework, plugin development for Atlassian Jira 7, Hibernate). In the past I worked at Electronics Engineer position and developed self-test system monitoring for such industrial objects, like Thermal power plants. From 10 years old I was interested in electronics and radio-tech.
- Now my hobby - UE 4 - C++, Blueprints and MOCAP systems.
- I am also interested in security questions and fun game servers. In my youth I have had MANGOS/TrinityCore based WoW server. At that point we are faced with cheaters, who used not only cheats like “CheatEngine”, but they also used cheats, that allows to cheat by changing traffic between client and server. For example, it were speedhack and gravity changers - they are both working by changing client-server traffic. To filter such traffic and to disallow using of cheats, I wrote anti-cheat, that encrypted all traffic between client and server. It also was a guard from injection of cheats to the process of the game. It was something like this anti-cheat, but with more powerful protection.
- Another my hobbies are revers engineering and… And The Sims 4 :rolleyes: . Interesting combination, yeah?
It’s because I love to write/change plugins (mods) for The Sims 4 (The Sims 3 in the past) by revers engineering of that game. My simple works, that I forked (of course, by rev. eng.) from another unsupported mods: Pregnancy Mega Mod, MTS_ArtUrlWWW_FNVHasher and TS4 STBL Editor Version 2.1 . I love to code mods for that game, even if I have to program on Python for that :).
What I can do and what position I want to found:
My dream - is to find company, where I would be able to realize my Motion Capture Suit (it could be really cheap suit/device, cheaper, than neuronmocap, that costs 1500 USD) and to grow as C++ UE 4 game dev.
My competence allows me:
- to program desktop applications;
- to change or write UE plugins;
- to write C++ UE logics;
- to create electronics devices, based on Micro Controller Units and write software for them.
Unfortunately, there are no such companies in Kazan city, RU, where I am living now.
So, I am ready to relocate to EU / US / Canada for good working conditions and for good wages.