So I have been accepted in to wave 1 of the dev kit release and should be getting mine by the end of March.
Is there any updates from Epic on integration via a plugin or anything of the sort yet? I know there was an old thread but that was back a year ago and NDA’s restricted everything but an update, even via a PM if I have to sign NDA’s to get a pre release version would be great. Don’t really want to have to go back to Unity to make applications for Hololense and Tango.
its sad that i have to leave unreal to go to unity. but it must be done. epic dropped the ball BIG TIME on this one.
does unity even have a node based material editor? smh its gonna be though.
I am also interested in knowing more about Unreal integration with and/or augmented reality in general. I’ve seen a few posts that mention possible collaboration, but nothing definitive. Has anyone else heard of anything?
People were asking about Unreal Engine 4 support with and that link doesn’t detail anything regarding nor answering the question, just how to get started.
In no way can you quantify the day after the initial invites this early in the game that Epic has dropped the ball BIG TIME. I also got invited to Wave #1 but in no way am I going to jump ship to Unity. No way in hell…
But seriously, you’re being too hasty to make that decision so soon and I think it’ll be a much better decision to stick around There is no way of knowing at what stage Epic is with currently. They very well could have been some form of Exclusive Licensing where the guys at Unity threw a ton of cash at Microsoft to get potentially exclusive early access. Also, Epic in general may have gotten the hardware a little later than normal. Since you’re a developer, you can understand and relate to this type of thing and likely are going through it. Especially since you want to do something with . It takes Microsoft to get to Epic, then for Epic to put that power in our hands and we can’t be mad at Epic for not saying something by the first day of Pre-Orders (which they may have known or not). Unfortunately all we can do is speculate at this point and if 6 weeks or more go by after this thread was posted and they likely have it and still don’t say anything, then yes at that point, I’d say they are loosing out big time.
But, for me however, even if they don’t do the integration any time soon, that’s not going to stop me from going in there myself and/or other community members working together to make it happen! My life is busier than all hell but believe me, after getting invited in the first Wave and to have the chance to develop for this early in the game, I’ll make the time to do the integration and reach out to others to join in.
So lets chill for a little while and even see if maybe some of the developers at Epic may chime in on this thread. If I may make a suggestion, do yourself a favor and hang around… considering they have the worlds first editor that can use VR, do you actually think they’d let an opportunity like this pass them by?
I don’t imagine anybody would jump ship to Unity completely for dev, and im certain Unreal will get support soon enough, would just be great to get it sooner
I am still waiting around for Tango support but that seems to be Google dropping the ball. Once that gets in there then it should be pretty much the same thing as , the important parts anyway (spatial mapping etc) Then the hand controls will be very similar to the leap motion input and kinect so shouldn’t be too tough to jerry rig something up.
Yea, I definitely agree and I’m guessing we’ll be hearing something hopefully over the next couple of weeks regarding it. It’s also going to be likely a month before we can get started so I’m estimating at least 6 weeks before we can dive in depending on when people get them. Fingers crossed Epic mentions something. I’m guessing if UE4 is going to run on and look good, its likely going to be through some form of server on your primary PC and sending the bits wirelessly over since the device is somewhat limited. I’m betting a form of the mobile rendering will be available but if they can pump the rest using a server/client setup from the users PC, I think that would be potentially cooler (depending on latency).
If you have read "Tools for developing on " section, it says this:
“Holographic apps need tools designed to take advantage of the Windows Holographic APIs. In particular, if building an app we recommend using Unity. Developers interested in building their own engine can use DirectX and other Windows APIs.”
And I read another article about Unity. It said that Unity wrapped all necessary Windows Holographic APIs.
So, what does that mean? It means, any engine can be used, if it wraps those APIs. Unreal is open source. If Epic doesn’t support , there might be someone else to integrate. But I think, it would be encouraging if Epic took a first step.
Anyway, I’m sure Unreal will support soon.
I understand and that’s great! Also if you read my post, you’d see however I already mentioned that But I appreciate you trying to point people in a good direction but I will say that having your first post on the Unreal forums trying to highlight Unity is a little questionable.
Most of the developers here capable of doing this integration already have those links if we’ve already been invited but thank you for posting the link for those that don’t have it atm. But I think ZoltanJr, myself and others would rather hear an official response from the developers at Epic. Believe me, there is no way Epic is going to ignore this amazing new piece of technology and you can be sure that UE4 will have direct support its just a matter of time before they announce it.
As a note, please refrain from reposting the same post multiple times in the future as this can potentially get you banned from the forums.
I’m sorry but I didn’t try to highlight Unity. If I preferred Unity to Unreal I wouldn’t be here It was just a copy-paste.
And I should inform you English is not my native language Sometimes it gets hard to explain myself correctly.
That’s exactly what I’m waiting too.
Thank you for warning. But it wasn’t the same post. This one was about Windows Holographic APIs with DirectX 11.
I posted it as a note to people who said they were leaving Unreal, that there are other options, not only Unity. So we can use them until Unreal gets support.
Of course these Windows Holographic APIs might be low level. But knowing low level always helped me to comprehend high level things better
Maybe there will be no need for them, if Unreal gets support very soon Who knows?!
There might be 1% of the user base with 1 now but needs to have the tools to develop to get it going, was the same with the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Still not out in public but developers need the tools up front. Epic wants to be at the forefront of all new tech and AR is going to be 100x bigger than VR in the next 10 years for sure.
requires using the UWP, which Epic (and most large developers and retailers) have a pretty strong incentive not to adopt. I don’t think we’ll be seeing it in the engine any time soon.
No they do not. The only person who has strong incentive is Tim and Tim alone.
He’s the reason we haven’t had windows support since Win 8 came out in 2012.
Today just cemented my move to unity.
Wow… Before i go back to Unity i rather jump into burning gasoline… No material editor, managed slow C# code, no support, gazillions of bugs you have to code around to get your stuff done, no source of the engine to fix things yourself, poor rendering quality, poor lighting (and poor light baking), messy animation system.
Maybe Tim would reconsider that decision, i don’t feel UWP as a threat, rather than a choice/option. And when it comes to those 30% you have to pay MS, you have to pay the same to Steam…