Micropause/Microfreeze when hitting the enemy

Hi! couldn’t find this info anywhere :frowning:
I was trying to achieve it through pause/unpause but it looks kinda silly

I am new to UE so would be very happy for any answers!

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Set Global Time Dilation should do the trick

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Thanks for the answer Tuerer! I liked this feature a lot but seems like I can’t achieve my goal with it.

Firstly I was trying to make a ‘microfreeze’ for a fraction of a second and used delay between setting but as I understood delay time also *10 because of the dilation so I tried to decrease delay by /10 but delay just doesn’t work. After some point like 0.05 or smth like that it just won’t work

Secondly animations are also becoming laggy and camera movement makes it even worse

Thanks for reading!

Instead of Delay, try a Timeline with no curves, and set it to ignore Time Dilation.
As for these lags… are you sure your SetGlobalTimeDilation is called only once per hit? It seems to me that is might be called multiple times.

Thanks for the advice, didn’t know that there was such option in timeline. I think that’s what I need but lagg issue is still occurring. I’m pretty sure I’m calling it only one time since it goes after damage notify on the left

Here I deleted it from everywhere and set it only on beginplay

that’s the result

Getting same problem in a new project
I don’t know if the problem is caused by my pc and even if it is I can’t think of any causes

Hmmm, the animation seems smooth, but there’s too much motion blur going on for some reason. Try disabling motion blur in Project Settings and see what happens.
As for jerky camera movement, I don’t really know why it happens.


Oh my god, it looks SO MUCH better, even just walking around, why is it turned on by default…

Thank you so much for helping!!

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