MH Anim Curve Attributes (CTRL_expressions) - Where are these coming from?

I’ve been wracking my brain trying to understand how all the metahuman components play together, and am stuck on these anim curve attributes that start with “CTRL_expressions”.

Where are the CTRL_expressions coming from? They’re not in Maya’s bridge-imported blendshape list.

If I export the face skeletal mesh out of UE and import that to maya, they’re also not there.

It seems the face control rig is only controlling them, and they also seem to override everything else (ex if I add a control to the eye to move it manually with “get control set bone Facial_L_eye”, it works in the control rig viewport but not in scene / sequencer / viewport).

I just wanna transform the eyeball’s bone, ultimately, but also am VERY confused about these CTRL_expressions, thinking if I can add one of my own then maybe the face control rig would work!

Also got my head wracked

Just find out it’s in skeletal mesh asset detail panel, under Skeletal Mesh/Advanced/Asset User Data. If I remove the DNA Asset linked there, those CTRLs will stop working. It seems vital to set up SKM asset correctly, and I’ll iook into what’s Asset User Data exactly.
Btw, I mainly use Blender and have no idea about how to work with Maya.

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I want to the reason too

Also get my head wacked
Anyone care to explain this?