MH Anim BP Retarget to Third Person torso not working

Hi there! So I was trying to retarget the Anim BP from the 3rd Person project but for some reason it doesn’t work on the torso

Screenshot (1)|690x388

Hi, know this issue. For now only the top_hoodie has an animBP, others like the sweater don’t. Easiest way is to create an animBP for the sweater skeleton and copy the animgraph code from the top_hoodie into the animgraph code in your just created animBP, compile, save. Probably you will also run into an issue with the feet when using as a third person, so maybe a better solution is to use a construction script in the ThirdPerson BP (see the original BP that comes with each MH.

Hope it helps :slight_smile: Regards, Ashara

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Thank you so much!