mGPU Nvidia sync policy issue with nDisplay

Thisnis my very first post on this forum so hello to everyone.
I’m writing here because I’m quite desperate. I’m trying to make mGPU works in virtual production setup.
I have two machines with two Quadro RTX 6000 (nvlink) and Quadro Syn 2 each. Master is synced with NanosyncHD. Secound one is daisy chained to master. LED wall is splited in half. Each machines output to one led processor. One phisical output from one gpu. LED processors are also genlocked to Nanosync. I did every step form UE documentation. Sync, edids, sli, configureDriver…

Both GPU works great rendering inner and outer frustrum BUT ONLY WHEN ETHERNET SYN POLICY IS SELECTED.
With Nvidia (2) sync policy output freezes on first or secound frame. It is not chrashing and as per log frames are rendering. They are not going to output.
Strage thing is that almost everything is ok if i select another app’s window using alt+tab on one of nodes. But in this case master node is proximitly one frame after slave node.

To be honest i have no idea what is going on. All drivers and firmware are same and up to date. If someone can help me with this i will be grateful. I’m running out of ideas.


Ps: Sorry if i choosed wrong category or/and tag

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Hello Igraszka!
Could you please try downloading nvidia’s configure driver utility:

Run it with admin rights and enable option 11.

Please let me know if that helps!

  • what driver version you are at?
  • are you using UE 5.0.2?
