Meters system Fortnite OnlyUp

Hello, I have a little problem. I wanted to make an UEFN Only Up island which is currently unlisted (3587-7091-4425). On this island I have a little problem, in fact I wanted to put a system that gives me the height in meters, I took the verse code from this Epic Games dev article: Customizable Height/Distance Tracker | Uefn Code Snippet

My concern is that the verse code works very well in UEFN session, but on the other hand in my private version and also in my public version like the one mentioned above, the verse does not work at all, there is nothing displayed.

At the moment it’s a problem with the UI or the device itself ( not the code ).
I ran into the same problem in my code today. The only solution option so far is to initialize any device and just insert it into the code by selecting it.

PS: I don’t know how this solves the problem, but it solved my problem. It feels like the Verse device without creative device won’t work.

i think its because you need to disabled streaming in world settings. but you know how can i change the highest of the device? i start in -12 and i want to make it 0 please help