MetaXR v62 for Unreal Preview 5.4

In case anyone need it, I made a few little change to the MetaXR v62 plugin so we can use it in Unreal 5.4 preview.
Just unrar in your Engine/Plugin/Marketplace folder inside your Unreal 5.4 installation location.

I have tested it and everything work so far and compile without any issue.

Meta XR plugin v62


Version 63

Everything seem to work properly.

Hi, thanks for your post. But when I’am placing plugin in ue5 folder, it gives me message:
How can I solve this problem?

I just test it again to be sure and it work perfectly fine.

Maybe you can tell me where are you placing the files or if you using the binaries or the source ?

I place the Binaries in Program Files/Epic/UE5_4/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace.

Im getting the same problem. Does anyone solve it? thanks!

hi TrueFranco, I have tried installing it on the 5.4.1 version and it prompts the same errors shown here. Should it work with that version or is it only for the 5.4 preview? Thanks a lot!

It was for the Preview but it should work for the release ,anyway I will check now and update it if something changed.
Give me a few.

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Well no changes needed but I compiled new binaries for Unreal 5.4.1.
Just download from

and unrar into you Engine/Plugins/Marketplace folder.
If you dont trust me then check the source and compile it yourself from GitHub - truefranco/MetaXRv63: Just a quick temporary update to MetaXR for Unreal Preview 5.4

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Thank you so much!

Edit: Even though I was able to fix error with your MetaXR version, now apk won’t be built. It complains about AndroidManifest file (can be found in Intermediate/Android). There are duplicate lines related to game’s loading image (called “splash”).

I wasn’t able to fix this error on UE5.4.

I disabled MetaXR plugin and after that it was building apk. @TrueFranco Were you able to build apks?

I suppose will just wait for official MetaXR update. No urgent need in my case.

Edit 2: I think it is relevant to following change in UE5.4 update logs:

  • Filter out VR manifest changes from AFS project APK (uses __ExcludeFromAFS=“true” attribute tag)