I use UE-5.3.2, the MetaXR Plugin and a Meta Quest Pro for a VR project. I use the MetaXR Plugin mostly for eye tracking and hand tracking.
Eye tracking works fine, but hand tracking does not work (my hands are not visible) and I get the following error in the Output Log in a very high frequency:
LogOVRPlugin: Error: [XRCMD][failure] [XR_ERROR_HANDLE_INVALID]: xrGetHandMeshFB(handTracker, &xrMesh), arvr\projects\integrations\OVRPlugin\Src\Util\CompositorOpenXR.cpp:8800 (arvr\projects\integrations\OVRPlugin\Src\Util\CompositorOpenXR.h:311)
I cannot find any information regarding this error and have hand tracking enabled in the MetaXR project settings, in the Meta Quest Link App and on my Quest pro. The error also happens in a freshly cloned instance of this meta unreal sample: GitHub - oculus-samples/Unreal-HandSample at UE-5.3
I already asked this question on the Meta forum (MetaXR Hand Tracking Error: xrGetHandMeshFB(handTr... - Meta Community Forums - 1304550), but I got no answer, so I ask here.