I thought it would be nice to have a suggestion thread for metasounds.
I have been looking into it and so far, this is what I am missing to be able to do work in metasounds (as far as I know):
An important one for me:
-ability to send values to and from other MetaSounds. Not audio necessarily, but values (Adsr values etc).
-Attenuation node: to branch audio out and have some go to one specific attenuation and another part of the sound, go to another attenuation.
-Submix node: to branch audio out and have some go to one specific submix and another part of the sound, go to another submix. This could also just be the ability to have as many audio outputs you want, in a metasound, and define to what submix each ouput should go to.
-Ability to manipulate incoming control bus values within the metasound. Right now, you can only get, not set.
-Ability to send variables out from metasound to BP.
-Distance parameter built into metasound, so you can get distance to the metasound location and do audio modulation and parameter modulation etc according to distance.
Feel free to add your own things
And it would be lovely if some dev could chime in, just so we know that you have read this