MetaSound and Vehicles

I created a very basic system where the third-person character possesses and drives the sportscar. In the car blueprint, if I leave the MetaSound to ‘auto activate’, the sound fires when I hit play, not when I possess the car. However, after I possess the car, the MetaSound performs as designed and increases pitch and gain with RPM. If I untick ‘auto activate’, I have to add a ‘play 2D sound’ node after possession. It plays the car starting and idling, but I lose the RPM effecting the metasound.

Can someone give me details on how to walk up to a car, possess it, drive it, and have the RPM affect the MetaSound?

Here are my basic blueprint nodes:

Solved: Created a Custom Event linking the Character BP and the Vehicle BP. Then, in Vehicle BP, created an ‘activate’ node for the engine sound MetaSound with auto activate unchecked.

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