Metallic on mobile (reflection jitter or blink?)

I built unreal startup project on my iOS, but sphere reflections which use metallic property look like having jitter.
I can’t show any videos about this. but I can show captures while rotating.

As below screenshots, reflection quality is not so good and also, it is blinking continuously during camera rotation or moving. I can guess why this is happened, like rendering precision, but I don’t know how to fix it.

My DefaultDviceProfiles.ini setting is …


Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello cordis123,

This is expected with a metallic material value of 1.0 and a low roughness. One way to fix this would be to increase your roughness to something like 0.2 to reducing the shimmering effect. Also changing the metallic value to 0.75 can also help. Try playing with these values and see if this doesn’t reduce/remove the visual you are observing.

Thank you,