Metahumans with 5.3 crashes the engine everytime

I am getting crashes everytime I drag a metahuman in my project. Am I missing something or is this a bug?

Assertion failed: WeightCount == InteroplationWeightCount [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsCore\Private\GroomResources.cpp] [Line: 1466]

I’m getting the same but with my characters groom and groom binding. Must be hair related. Did you find a work around?

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I had the exact same problem, building 5.3 from source fixed it. So do that or wait for them to update the preview

What do you mean by building from 5.3 source? As building a project from scratch vs migrating?

He means got to github and download Unreal from there using command prompts then rebuild the engine in visual studio. This approach did not work for me. None of my 5.3 sessions with the groom plugin or hair strands plugin work. They all crash when trying to load a level with a metahuman with hair. If you come across a solution, could you please reply here because it seems to not be as prevalent as one would think.

i guess those three(lines 1464,1466) “interOPLation” should be “interPOLation”…
anyone knows if it is possible to rebuild just this part of code instead rebuilding editor from scratch?))

Those are just variable names, it doesn’t matter how they’re spelt as long as they’re all the same.

Getting all the way to project-load with an engine source build can take a few hours, but once it’s done you won’t have to do it again unless you invalidate the build by changing engine code.

I have the same probem. It must be fixed as soon as fast

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It’ll likely be fixed in the next preview. In the meantime, following the above advice and using a source engine build will fix it.

Do not expect stability from previews. They fix things when they want to. Developing on previews is risky.

I really don’t know why this kind of crash could survive testing.
Using Metahuman is out for long time and this kind of crash make 5.3 useless for cinematics. I spent my day placing actors and then when trying to reopen map, it start to crash.
impossible to send project to 5.2, so have to re-do all and stay with 5.2

I am using Unreal 5.2.1 and getting this issue. It mentions the hair strands. I deleted every LOD after LOD1 to prevent my guy going bald. It never made a difference until I tried to fix the Git source control mess it made.

This isn’t just a hair issue, I lost months of work from this issue making my project impossible to run.

Metahumans work different on different operating systems, so for reference, I am using this stuff:
OS: Windows 64 bit version 22H2 stable
CPU: Intel Core i7-3880 3.6GHz with over locking
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 with forced NVIDIA Control Panel settings
Engine Source: website
Source control: Git LFS integrated into engine (source control button on bottom right)

In conclusion, this is an issue with them. If you mess with the code, you will destroy your engine.

I had this issue and could fix it, at least recover my project and it appeared that I had too many instances of metahuman using hair strands on the level but also I think it crashed cause I had an alembic file pretty instable at the same time using groom hair strands, so maybe it conflicted. anyway Impossible to reopen the project.

To fix:

  • Save a copy your current broken project somewhere else.

  • I Opened the unreal project with a notepad (you can find this file at the root of your project file) then delete the lines of the hair strands plugin from the comma to the next plugin related braket.

  • then open the project it should work but no hair on the metahuman. it’ll ask you to install the missing plugin, dont or it’ll crash again when reopen. Before to do it, delete one of the metahuman on your level try to enable the plugin and restart, if it crash again delete on more metahuman. At some point it should reopen without any crash and the plugin enabeled. Save and reimport on your scene the delated metahumans.

Hope it’ll work for you too, best