MetaHuman with face animation and audio lip sync in RealTime

[PAID] MetaHuman and Lip Sync and Facial Animation in Real-Time


I am looking for developing a personal project. Based on what I gathered so far, I would like to use Unreal Engine MetaHuman to create characters and I want these characters to talk based on the audio file I’ll generate in real time using text to speech API of Replica Studios. The flow will be:

Real Time:

  • Retrieve a voice file from Replica Studios.
  • One of the MetaHuman characters will use the voice file and it will speak so I need the lip sync and facial animation. Character can be only head/face rendering or full body. Also based on the emotion in the voice file, it will have facial animation. I’ll be able to extract the emotion so can feed as Angry, Sad, Happy, Neutral etc…
  • I will have multiple MetaHuman characters so need to specify which audio file is for which MetaHuman.
  • Back to step 1 for further processing.

Talent Required:
I need an expert in MetaHuman and UnrealEngine who can help me build the creation of Unreal project, create assets, use the audio files to do lip sync and face animation based on emotion.
