MetaHuman to ThirdPerson character

Hello everyone! I downloaded the latest version, 5.4 preview, to try out the new metahuman features. I tried to use a metahuman that I’ve created as a basis for a third person character. The upper body/arms work well and the character moves around using my metahuman, instead of the default third person mesh, but the legs look very weird (the knees are always bent) and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

My process:
a) Create a new metahuman, or update an old metahuman to 5.4 version
b) Download the metahuman into an Unreal Engine 5.4 project using Quixel bridge
c) Retarget the animation blueprint ABP_Quinn or ABP_Manny (whoever is needed) to Metahuman, by right clicking on it → Retarget Animations, I picked the Metahuman body skeletal mesh for the retarget.
d) Duplicate the BP_ blueprint (to be safe) of the metahuman
e) Go into the blueprint and change Parent to Character in Class Settings
f) Move the Body component under Mesh, delete Root, move the Mesh to the correct position
g) Click on body and select the new ABP_ created in step C) as Anim Class
h) Copy/paste all movement related nodes from BP_ThirdPersonCharacter into the BP_ blueprint (alternatively I know I could’ve selected BP_ThirdPersonCharacter as a Parent in step e) to get all the settings directly
i) Play the game. The character looks great, idle animation is correct but when I press W to move the lower body looks weird and the legs are bend at the knee. Upper body arms and torso animate correctly.

Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong? The animations look great when I open them, but in-game the character moves in a weird way.

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I have the same issue! can’t for the life of me figure it out!

figurerd it out. don’t know why, but didn’t need to do anything to animation.
Followed the video below except completely skipped the part about animation retargeting (i do click the checkbox to turn on live retargeting). Then i pick back up at the step where he makes the manny not visible.

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