Metahuman third Person character not showing shape key morphs

I am new to unreal and am trying to work with metahumans. I want to create a simple elf, and have so far been successful. As far as modeling goes, all I have done is stretched the ears and make them pointy in Blender (+ more defined abs). These modifications have been made on shape keys and are turned into morphs. When I drag and drop the Metahuman into the scene the ears can be seen as pointy, but when following Youtube tutorials to replace a third person mannequin with this metahuman, it makes the mesh default, turning the shape key/morph value to zero and making the ears normal.

I sorry if this doesn’t make enough sense, but I am trying to make it so that my third person playable character can be seen with pointy ears (as elfs should be).

Here is what the ears should be like

Here is what it defaults to

By the way these ears do show up as elf ears in the third person bp view port