Hello everyone, I’m new on Unreal Engine and I just started VR developement on UE5.0
(I was on Unity).
I wanted to make a metahuman VR pawn but the texture is acting weird and I couldn’t figure out what’s causing this.
I was Hoping I can get some help !
demo video : MetaHuman Weird Texture
Hi SyFox, Welcome to the Forums.
When you say ‘VR’ are you running this on PC or deploying to Device?
First thing I’d check is the skin material that you’re using. If you select the main node (the thing that everything else plugs in to) you’ll be able to change the Shading Model. (I don’t have a Metahuman installed right now, but they might use ‘Subsurface scattering’ for Skin)
With a bit of experimentation you should be able to find the nodes/settings causing this.
Hi Astro, Thank you for responding !
I’m running it on PC, I thought it might be relative.
I will try your suggestion and come back to you !
Hi again , So metaHumans are using an material instance called “M_BodySynthesized” and it’s parent is “M_BodySkin” i’ve been trying to change the settings but I’m not making any progress.
The shading Model is Subsurface Profile , and I found these two scattering parmerters but I have no clue how to use.
I would appreciate you taking a look at meta human’s material or ask me if you need me to provide you with whatever information that’s missing .
You’re welcome. Thanks for the info.
I’d try 2 things, first: Create a new skin colored material. (Just a simple material that does not use subsurface scattering) See how that looks in VR.
Then make a simple Subsurface material. This would help troubleshoot whether there is a problem with SSS materials, of if that Material logic in the Metahuman skin is to blame.