Metahuman Skin Facial Hair on Female how to get rid of it?

Hi guys,
Any idea why do I get Male small facial hair on my Female model ? I cant find the setting to turn it off. Adding screenshot :::->

Hi there,
If you want to delete permanently, open your character bp, select “Fuzz” and delete it.

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Is there a way to delete it in Browser MetahumanCreator ?

It seems that fuzz hair is given as “default” for all characters in MHC. So, you need to delete it inside the actor blueprint.

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Thanks for the answers :slight_smile:

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What is the actor blueprint? There’s no guides to removing this peach fuzz facial hair from my metahuman only a real human.

Edit - For those looking for the same issue you can double-click the blueprint once you download and import your created Meta Model, it’s incorrectly called Export but it Imports it into your active scene in Unreal Engine. Once you double-click the blueprint item (the other items should be folders) then you get the option to select and delete “Fuzz”