Metahuman rig with new mesh - Head + body connection issue

Recently i’m creating a character that uses the metahuman rig. So head and body of my character have the metahuman rigging binded, it all work great inside maya and Unreal (all control rigs), but the only thing that still doesn’t work for some reason is this part that connects head and body. The weights i’m using on the model are the same from the original metahuman file (And the connection works great on maya), but when I import it into Unreal and use the “Face_AnimBP_C” Anim class the neck area stretches for some reason (Image 1)
image (1)
On youtube I saw one way to solve it (Deleting the following nodes inside the AnimGraph: cache pose (Copy pose from mesh - body pose / Use cached pose ‘bodypose’ - Layered blend per bone), and after that the connection seem to work, but all the animations stopped working and the head doesn’t move with the body (The facial animation continue working). (Image 2)

Am I missing any option or something I should change? This Issue is taking me a lot of time to solve.

Have you figured it out?