Metahuman plugin suddenly broken

Hey guys, been working with metahumans for quite a while now. Recently ran into a very odd issue.
Basically when trying to open the Archtype_Face of the metahuman (to alter the physics asset) UE5.3.2 crashed. I can open most of the metahuman assets like body/body physics etc… but anything related to the face is broken and crashes constantly.

Assuming it was a plugin issue, I uninstalled the MH plugin and reinstalled it. Same happens.
Decided oke… Let me try an older engine version (5.2)… used to work before right? Nope… also broken.
Oke so lets try downloading the 5.4 preview… make a brand new metahuman in creator… imported it… and nope… broken.

Sooo… did something in Unreal Engine generally break to cause this?
Most of the time I could see the engine load, untill 75% when it started the skinning of the Archtype_Face… then crashes.

My last hail mary is currently to delete ALL engines, ALL plugins of each engine and reinstall Epic Games launcher. To then reinstall 5.3.2 and try my final attempt.

My specs:
64GB Ram
Geforce 4090 Suprim

Update: Reinstalled 5.3.2, made a fresh project, installed the metahuman plugin, accepted the changes that UE asks for… now the project crashes on startup. Why is ‘‘enable missing’’ breaking the project/plugin?
Added the crashlogs (Extended has more info) Seems to crash because of the Archtype_Face

Fixing_MH_532.log (137.9 KB)
Fixing_MH_532 (Expanded).log (138.7 KB)

Update: Ive been doing some digging. While trying to exclude the possibility that my computer might be the issue.

Reseated ram, did a Memtest86 (passed), lowered the voltage to my CPU. I still get occasional issues with discord restarting randomly (often when typing) And UE5’s launcher crashing sometimes.(rarely) Hoping that my CPU is not damaged and causing this type of issues.

Downloaded a fresh copy of UE5.3.2, downloaded the Metahuman project, oddly enough it worked… for a time. The metahumans showed properly and I could even open the blueprint. So made a new project… Downloaded a metahuman through bridge, broken again.

What is causing these issues? I’m at a loss.

Acces violations crashes as before. Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00007ffd0000011f

The confusion continues: Loaded the metahuman project again. Loaded in my avatar MH, first the blueprint did not show properly (none of the assets did) Then it allowed me to open the blueprint! Hurray right? On my new project this still does not work… Also why does it show that the Metahuman plugin is off in the project? Anyone know how I can fix this huge mess?

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Sometimes it works, it’s really random ahahahahah. Metahumans are really bugged right now.