squareSize, patternHeight and patternWidth have to be set in the config (or overridden on the command line) with this version of the HMC calibration app.
Not really, in the previous version, it would automatically use “default_hmc_config.json”. In this one, if using the standard calibration instruction “CalibrationApp -f D:xxx\calib -e D:\xxx\calib.json -n 30” it comes back with an error that a config file is needed. If I override this, and point it to that default_hmc_config.json, it comes up with a different error, that something is missing.
Digging in a little deeper, looks like the NEW default_hmc_config is missing some values,
(pattern width and height are set to 0) but even if I copy over the previous config, I still get that same error “No config file specified”.
Once I manually overrode it, then it worked, but this seems entirely unnecessary… (and it doesn’t seem to like getting it from folders with blanks, so I copied it somewhere else)
No, more meta human clothing genres? more customizable body and more make ups and hair types? I want to use meta humans for my game and i would like them to wear mediaval clothes and not some modern corporate theme boring uniforms
I found some documentation on template mesh import. But it’s quite vague and creating a metahuman from a specific template mesh doesn’t work, even though I used the exact mesh generated previously via “export template mesh”.
So it is working but you have to make sure you use the conformed mesh created via the “mh.Identity.ExportMeshes 1” command that is stored in the saved folder, rather than manually exporting the template mesh.
Note that patternHeight and patternWidth are one minus the actual row/column count. For the default checkerboard provided, it would be:
patternHeight - 10 patternWidth - 15
If using the provided checkerboard. Also remember to print the checkerboard at the correct scale/dpi otherwise it won’t be the default 0.75cm size. I’ve converted it to a pdf for future printing convenience with a cutout line for with marching ants.