Metahuman losing face pose and prop static mesh when calling up animation for playback

Hello everyone - I could use some conceptual help on workflow, creating an animation to play out in my level with a MetaHuman skeleton. This is for the enemy AI, so not animation via locomotion of any kind, but just play back an animation of them swinging a knife.

What I am trying to do is upon an overlap event, the camera jumps to a new location, where an animation plays and the player is stabbed be a metahuman character. I have the camera move worked out, but I am struggling with the animation.

I am working out of 5.3.2. I created a new MetaHuman and brought that into my project. I added them to the level and animated them in sequencer. I attached a knife prop to their right hand (“hand_r”), and an angry face pose, and then save it as an animation.

To test that the animation is playing correctly I set up an overlap trigger, to spawn the enemy from a class and play an animation. However when the character appears, they are missing the knife prop and the facial pose I set within the Sequencer.

I am not sure where the breakdown is, if there is a problem with the metahuman skeleton vs the regular mannequin skeleton etc.

I have been digging into this for days and am at a loss. Any tips would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

I figured out a solution and am hoping this helps someone in the future! Going into the common folder of your metahuman and DELETING some of the face assets, then reimporting your metahuman, will regenerate those files inside UE5, removing any corruption.

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