Hey guys,
downloaded my Metahuman from Bridge. Then imported into UE via content → Bridge. After the import, my UE5 crashed with the following message:
Yes, I have the same issue with my Mac M1 with UE5.0.0EA. The metahuman is downloaded well and imported as well. But then, when I drag it into the viewport, the UE5 crashes without notice. Let me know how to debug it. I have no clue. Thank you.
Hi, I have found a solution. UE5.0.0EA crashes because there are 2 plugins that are not enabled by default
Web Authentication Plugin
Web Browser
After all, there was also an issue during the drop of metahuman on the scene. It was necessary to disable Hair simulation in the metahuman hair component.
Right now, I have an issue with the low quality of metahuman visualization on my Mac M1. And I can’t find the solution. It looks like it is LOD5-6 and not even near to what it should be like in Metahuman Online Creator. Do you know any solution for this? Thanks.
Hello, I have the similar problem, did you solve it?
Assertion failed: Instance->Guides.DeformedRootResource->IsValid(MeshLODIndex) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsCore\Private\HairStrandsRendering.cpp] [Line: 2187]
I get this issue when playing in an EXE.
Whether a zoom out is required seems to depend on the hair. I haven’t hit this issue with all hairs, but the distance seems to depend on the hair. With some hair, about 5 yards from the starting camera is enough for my game to crash on launch.
I’m not sure why this works, but for some reason, hiding the MetaHuman and immediatley unhiding it fixes something.
To do this, add two SetActorHiddenInGame nodes at the end of the BeginPlay event in each MetaHuman’s event graph. Have New hidden checked in the first node and unchecked in the second.
In the past I used SetVisibility nodes instead of SetActorHiddenInGame, with Propagate to Children checked. Unfortunately, in the latest version of Unreal, that makes some of my MetaHuman hair turn into what looks like giant red afros.