Metahuman Headmovement to slow

Hey, I followed a Videoturial on how to make Metahumans look at viewpoints with the Look At Function. The Metahuman should be able to switch between two Viewpoints with eye and head movement. This works perfectly but my problem is, that the headmovement is way to slow and multiplying the pitch and yaw, as well as the interpolation time in the Look At function changes nothing at all. I tried implementing the functions both in the Face_AnimBP and the Post Progressing one, but I get the same outcome. Would really appreciate a hint or maybe a solution. Thank you!

The Link for the tutorial:
(MetaHuman Look At - YouTube)

Animation Graph:
First I store the locations of the viewpoints in an array which are funneled into a Look At Function which has following bone selected for head movement: VB Facial_C_Forehead. This then funnels into an Aim Offset which contains the Animation needed for the headmovement.

The Event Graph:
First I get the Location of the Viewpoints:
Then I set the pitch and the yaw for controlling the head movement:

And in the end cast it to the GameInstance to control the Viewpoint over the Level Blueprint:
I know I have ridiculous Values for the Multipliers of pitch and Yaw, as well for the interpolation, but these don’t change a thing and I don’t know why.