Metahuman hair not showing in package builds

I have a problem with Metahuman hairs. Basically they work perfectly in editor, but in packaged builds the hairs are not visible. Hairstrands work, but cards and meshes geometry is not, even if they are visible in wireframe mode. When using DebugMode=1, it shows that current LOD is 2+ (cards) and the geometry type is cards, but the render is not visible.

Anyone encountered this problem with cards/meshes geometry?

I have the same problem, have you managed to find a solution?

Yes and no. I have found workaround for my problem.

The problem for me was using default metahuman material and virtual textures. The hair attributes material function doesn’t seem to support virtual textures (at least this is when hair were disappearing for me).

There are two workarounds for that (the ones I have found):

  1. Remove virtual texture streaming from your hair related textures.
  2. Make your own material without Hair Attribute function, this way you can support virtual texture sampling. You can take a look at some materials in the either, metahuman sample or matrix characters sample (can’t remember which one, the second I reckon).