Metahuman Facial Animation - Blend Mask


Using a Blend Mask in the Layered Blend Per Bone node in an AnimBlueprint does not seem to work with a Metahuman face. Should this work, or is there another method to acheive the Blend Mask affect?

I am trying to use the Metahuman Animator to mocap mouth movements and eye movements and blend them together. However, the masking in the Blend Mask appears to be overriden somewhere in the Post Process AnimBlueprint. I have been able to get Blend Masks to work fine on other skeletal meshes like the default mannequin.

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Hello, I’m having a very similar problem in that my AnimBP appears to be ignoring the Branch Filter and/or Blend Mask info that I try to give it.

If I enable the Post-Process AnimBP then All blend masks/branch filters appear to be ignored. If I disable the Post-Process AnimBP then the animation looks like it’s masked from the head bone (i.e. default metahuman setup?) so there’s no movement on the neck, but the facial expressions are animating. However, I want to mask my head animation from the neck (rather than the head) so that I get all the neck rotations and expressions, but not root bone changes.

Did you find a solution?

hi,i’m facing same problem,have you already find solution?

In the end, I noticed that the problem didn’t happen if I baked the facial animation to the face control rig and then hid the control rig. This is NOT a solution for most people but it worked for me as I was just trying to render an animation using Sequencer.

hi @samuelthomson
I’m trying to do the same thing for scenes in the sequencer but I can’t do it.
If I set in Face_animBP “Blend mask” I get an error Null 0 for bones.
How did you solve it in your case?