My metahuman control rig board is not showing up…
Please help! thank you
Just delete the ‘character folder’ manually in-game content, and open your project, then add the character from the Quixel bridge.
So, basically, I should start fresh you mean?
I tweaked few things here and there, I guess the tweaks would be lost then?
Nope. Not working. I erased and pulled back again from quixel, I still do not get the the board…??
Have you deleted the Common folder too in the metahuman folder? if not, you must delete the “Metahuman folder” in your project, and re-add the character, I’m sure, it’s working.
then not working, something is wrong in your project folder, the best thing is a new project to start with a template.
I deleted the entire metahuman folder, and readded from quixel
But it does not come back… I already started an entire level, it would be a pain to do all this again
Hopefully there is another solution?!
Found it!
I was pressing G, and it was not showing up. But today, pressing G did the trick!!!
thank you everyone for your help!
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