Metahuman eye aim with Face CTRL Rig in Sequencer

I’m struggling getting my look at to work correctly in sequencer. I want to have control over the eyesAim using a target location in the world. I’m getting the data of the look at target but I can’t get it to control the position of the aim var. Here is my setup:

AnimGraph referencing the current face ctrl rig with valid location vector as aim var:

My face ctrl rig getting aim (world) into the eyesAim control (global space):

The results with eyesAim popping to 0,0,0:

Debug of of valid target location showing updated world location:

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Not versed in metahumans but for ArKit the eye no-longer has a bone.
The blend shapes blend the eye position/rotation directly into the blend shapes.

Can’t see what you are controlling from your transform control, but it could possibly be the reason why.
I think there’s 4 different blend shapes you want to alter to get the look around to work correctly.

I definitely overcomplicated my issue. I was trying to solve this at runtime with blueprints, but what I needed was the ability to post ARkit face record quickly aim the eyeline in Sequencer using the eyesAim control in the face rig.

I finally took the time to actually read the documentation and realized that If I go into animation mode I get a constraints tab that allow me to implement a super easy look using a parent and child. Took me all of 1 minute to fix this. I guess next time I should read the documentation. :slight_smile:

Please show an example of how you solved the problem

I really want my person to look at the camera even at the moment when the live link from the iPhone is working

Hi, thanks for bringing this up! Unfortunately, I don’t get this to work. I have my Meta Human and opened the Sequencer. How did you get the constraints working? What is your Parent and Child?
Can you elaborate in more detail, how you got this working please?
Thank you! :slight_smile:

Open a sequence, select the face control rig of your metahuman, and flip this switch on:

Now you’ll be able to see the thing the metahuman looks at.

Then select CTRL_C_eyesAim in the sequencer under the Face_ControlBoard_CtrlRig.

From there you can use the constraints function in the animation panel to attach the eyes aim thing to whatever you want the character to look at. Choose transform and then select the thing you want them to look at with the eye dropper.


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