I’ve been following a youtube video on how to export a metahuman character that I created and edited in metahuman. I downloaded it and transfered it to my project and followed the guidlines in the video for exporting an fbx file to import into blender with skeleton bones and morphs. First off it says you have to use fbx converter to convert the file before importing into blender. I did this. Then I imported the file into blender.
I followed the tut exactly but my imported character appears with bones outside the body. Also when its imported back into UE5 its lost its sculpted details that I originaly added. I added the texture maps back how they were including Normalmaps, I set LOD to zero so will only display highest LOD, but its lost the shaping i did to the face and the detail that metahuman originaly had. It looks like when I exported the Metahumam, it automaticaly exported a low detail mesh and not the one I see in UE5.
You mean you have results like this?
Those are face bones for animating via LiveLink, Rigs, etc… The same is for the body mesh, it gives more control in MH Rig.
UE exports all of mesh’s LODs, make sure you commit your changes to LOD0 and delete other LODs, 'cause LOD0 is displayed at very close range, like few cm.
Idk about using any FBX converters, but selecting your mesh in UE editor > “Asset Actions” > “Export” > selecting “FBX 2013” works fine for me.
No, I found out what the problem was. I forgot to zero the position before export. So on import into Blender the body was in one place and the bones IN another.
I’m new to unreal and have been attempting to export an fbx into blender and similar results prevail. hat exactly is the video you r watching?
Are you exporting the fbx from Unreal engine? If so and it contains bones. First in unreal set all your location settings in the right hand panel back to zero by click the curved arrow beside it.
Then export. Now import into blender and all will be good.