Metahuman drooping shoulders on retargeted animations

Hey, so we’ve done some motion capture using vicon and retargeted to metahumans with shogun. when playing the the animations after importing, apart for some fingers, most of the animation looks good.

also when retargeting:

But when applying it to a MH the shoulders are appears to be lower and drooping.
searched ANYWHERE, no real solution to be found.

Would love to get some suggestions/directions about possible fix for that issue.

It may sound stupid, but after 2 weeks of trying, what worked for me is simply rotate clavicle_l and clavicle_r to make the preview mesh’s shouldrs horizontally aligned when you do your retargeting, or you can choose to rotate the clavicles in the animation after it is exported. Just make sure you add a key in the animation and save.

Thanks @Bian_yx yeah I tried that but it led to other weird unwanted motions, I was hoping to find the root of what’s causing that issue and address it.

Hi, did you ever find a decent solution for this? I have the same problem myself with my UE4->Metahuman retargeted animations.

Not yet unfortunately.

We found a temporary solution (until something changes into ue in the next updates)

for the moment we manually rotate the shoulder a little bit off to match the correct position in the mixamo animations, here’s a screenshot

as you can see, the metahuman’s shoulders (left) are not perfectly alligned, this makes mixamo animations works fine

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You might want to try creating separate chains for the clavicles vs including them in the arm chain.

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This fixed for me:

@rbs250 - I had the same issue, and believe I resolved it. I think the issue was the way that the retargeter was handling clavicles, and the solution was to use a different (relaxed vs. T pose).

I documented this HERE (once I figure something out - I document it so I don’t forget after solving a dozen other things :wink: )

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