Hi everyone, I was facing some issues with Metahuman’s custom clothing.
Since Metahuman LOD uses bone abstraction, I understand that clothes also have to exclude those bones at specific LODs. I used the same LOD settings asset that came with Metahuman for the custom cloth I created. However, it does not work as expected. In many threads, I have found similar issues faced by others and there was no straightforward answer for that.
I can see it changing in the mesh lod view, but there is no actual change in geometry when I check it from the wireframe view.
LOD0 works as expected. But in all other LODs the cloth skinning is going haywire.
Q. What is the proper method to create LOD for custom cloth assets?
Q. Are there any proper documentation/videos which cover this LOD topic? (Since I could not find any.)
Q. Are we expected to make LOD in DCC itself? If so how can we sort out bone exclusion?
I’ve been trying to solve for this same issue. Not sure if my solution is what you are looking for, but felt sharing might help?
From what I can tell, the Metahuman Clothing LOD Settings file is setup to remove fewer bones than the Metahuman LOD Settings. It appears to me, that the skeleton the SKM is using when imported to UE, may matter on which LOD setting you use. What i’ve done to fix on my end, is choose the Metahuman Base Skeleton when importing clothing SKMs, and then make sure to use the Metahuman LOD Settings, and it does not distort.
Hey MCxp1983, I am also facing same issue, can you share more details on how you have fixed it, exact process and setting to fix it. My cloth lod is currently only 0.
Unfortunately, this does not work for me. I always import on “metahuman_base_skel”. Also set the Metahuman Clothing LOD settings and created 4 LODs. But the glitch still happens.