If i put one metahuman in my map it seems to start a crash clock.
It can take from 1 second to up to a few minutes, but it always ends up with that crash:
[2023.12.24-08.41.00:637][389]LogD3D12RHI: Error: CurrentQueue.Fence.D3DFence->GetCompletedValue() failed
at D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Submission.cpp:980
It’s very reproducible in my project: no metahuman and i can work a long as i want, i just drop one on the map and the bomb starts ticking.
To be precise, it’s a little more vicious than just adding them: i can add them all right, but when i restart the editor, the crash is almost instant and i have sometimes less than a second to remove the test MH and save the test map to prevent the crash.
During the last hour, i learned to click/suppress/save at superhuman speed, ha ha.
So it seems that the crashes occurs when the MH is already present on the map when it’s loaded.
I have changed many options (engine scalability settings, MH LODs options, rendering options, ray tracing, etc) back and forth many times, to try to optimize them and at a point this crash started to occur, so i don’t know where the problem comes from.
I have tried to change/suppress the meshes for the body/feet/meshes/top, leaving a floating face/hands, to no avail.
It doesn’t seem to be related to ray tracing: it crashes even when it’s off.
It is definitely related to DX12: going back to DX11 prevents the crash but is not an option for me, i have to stick to DX12/SM6 for other reasons.
Any idea of what could be wrong here ? Is it a known problem with a known workaround ?
The facial animations are amazing, i’d really like to use them.