Full error is: Assertion failed: RootLOD == MeshComp->GetPostProcessInstance()->GetRequiredBones().GetCalculatedForLOD() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Animation/AnimInstance.cpp] [Line: 2863]
I am using 4.27. I have mocap from Xsens retargeted to the metahuman skeleton. I am not using the control rigs so after dragging the blueprint to the sequencer I delete the control rigs from the sequencer and apply the takes to an animation track on the Body. I am getting a crash about every 20 mins. Someone posted the same error in the old Answers forum and got no response. https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/1052457/project-crashes-when-transforming-metahuman.html
I can repeat the crash if I key the transforms on a cineCamera in my sequence and do a Save All. If I just CntrlS save it is okay but a CntrlShiftS - boom, down she goes.