Metahuman components behaving differently in-editor and after publishing

I followed the official third person instructions here: Using a MetaHuman as a Third-Person Character in Unreal Engine | MetaHuman Creator Documentation to attach the skeletal component meshes (torso, legs, feet, etc.) to the character. In-editor, setting each component’s Anim Class to AnimPreviewAttachedInstance keeps the clothing attached to the character, but after I build the project, certain parts are seemingly randomly not attached. See picture for post-build results.

Notice that the red shirt stays attached, and the black shirt is not. They both have the same AnimPreviewAttachedInstance setting and are attached while in-editor. Only post-packaging does this happen.

Anyone have any clue what I can do to fix this?

For reference, this is what they should look like:

That photo is in-play mode in-editor.

YouTuber Fractured Fantasy helped me out after he saw a Facebook post I made on the same topic. He suggested using the Working with Modular Characters workflow found here: Working with Modular Characters | Unreal Engine Documentation
Basically, you attach the modular parts in the construction script. This did not work for all parts, however. It works glitches out all the hair grooms, but the head assets were not an issue to begin with, so it’s okay to leave them out. I also found selective items, like the Hoodie will not get the proper animation asset associated with them if you use this method. So, I ended up with a hybrid of the official Metahuman instructions for some components and the Modular Character method for other components with very little indication on which method works better for which component other than trial and error. I ended up with a working game, however. It seems pretty clear to me that Metahumans have a long way to go with getting these models Unreal compatible. but I’m still excited to see what they have in store for us next.

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