Metahuman can´t be imported via Bridge Plugin

I can´t import metahumans via the Bridge Plugin into UE5.03 - any suggestions what the problem can be? I can download them (and there is a folder on my computer after the download) bit when i press the “add” button in bridge nothing happens.

I had the same problem
what I did was download it through the app bridge
then I opened the project
then I added it to the project through the app not from the ue5 plugin I think
its one or the other
but yea
it didn’t work straight from ue5
there’s also the fact that UE5 MH’s are different and don’t mix with ue4 ones
but that wasn’t it
add from the plugin didn’t work and I used the app instead of the plugin.

There is a post about MetaHuman and Bridge which shows how to import plugins
‘Quixel Bridge’ not Showing in ‘Content’ section or ‘Plugins’ - General

Thank you, but it is not possible to import a ue5 metahuman to the app, or did you manage to do so?

Thank you. My problem is not that i can´t see the plugin (it is installed) but that i can´t import metahuman vie the plugin after it is downloaded

i did import a ue 5 metahuman
I used the bridge app to dl it
and then I could import

Did you try it actually? i mean you create one of the newest metahumans and load it in the bridge app? when i try to load it in this is said: " Use in Bridge for UE5

The UAsset version of this MetaHuman is not compatible with UE4. You can download it in Bridge for UE5."

If you can’t load it using bridge
then use the bridge app to dl it
then find it inside the quixel dl folder
and copy the folder into your content folder
that’s what the message says and it does work to do that.

Hey @mvzm_79 at the moment there is a bit of a known issue with the in engine bridge sometimes not responding to requests to import the meta humans. All of the other members had dropped their workarounds in the thread so far so I don’t have any more to add to that besides I had the same issue literally today, then went to the external bridge to get the download to run, then afterwards opened the plugin in engine and it allowed import (after an editor restart that is).

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Thanks for your answers, unfortunately they do not solve the problem yet. The problem is not that I could not download the custom metahumans anything. The problem is that they cannot be added via bridge. And by the way with the app they can not download the new metahumans, but only in the plugin. But as I said, I can runload, but when I press de “add” button, the metahumans are not added to the project. Where could be the problem?

go into C:\Users\username\Documents\Megascans Library\Downloaded\UAssets(randomname)\Tier2\asset_ue\MetaHumans
copy the folders there into your content directory

the add button may not work but they give this instruction to copy the folder if so

it works fine
in my example here eng1 is the metahuman name