Metahuman - Blender

I managed to export the metahuman head into blender, then back into UE and get the rig working again. Here’s the whole process:

  1. Export Metahuman Head from UE with next options:
  2. Download FBX Converter:
  3. Open Converter and convert exported fbx file:
  4. Import converted fbx to blender with next options:
  5. Sculpt model in blender as you want.
  6. Click on root in outliner and click Alt + P, then “Clear and Keep Transformation”. Delete empty.
  7. Select All Objects in scene and export model from blender in fbx format with next options:
  8. Import fbx to UE with next options:
  9. Open imported mesh in UE and original Metahuman Head.
  10. Copy all setting from original head to imported.
  11. Asset User Data the most important option. You need to Copy it and Paste to imported Head. I tried to manually add the same options and it’s doesn’t work. So copy and just paste.

  12. Everything should work