Metahuman Animator Failed to import Quequed files during using capture manager!!help pls!

LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Error: Cannot open the audio file: E:/UE_DMX/metahuman/Content/ANIMATOR/LiveLinkFace_20230624_MySlate_2_69503的_iPhone/20230624_MySlate_2/MySlate_2_69503的
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Error: Cannot open the video file: E:/UE_DMX/metahuman/Content/ANIMATOR/LiveLinkFace_20230624_MySlate_2_69503的_iPhone/20230624_MySlate_2/MySlate_2_69503的
LogCaptureManager: Ingest for take MySlate_2_69503的_iPhone failed: 'Conversion of data for take MySlate_2_69503的_iPhone failed: Failed to open the video file: E:/UE_DMX/metahuman/Content/ANIMATOR/LiveLinkFace_20230624_MySlate_2_69503的_iPhone/20230624_MySlate_2/MySlate_2_69503

Everyone who can’t solve the problem. Please change your iphone’s name. Iphone setting-general-about-name(do not use non-english character!!!)

have you solve? i have similar issue

LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Error: Error parsing json: ‘D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2/depth_metadata.mhaical’
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Processing take (1 of 1): D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Convert Mov To Image Sequence Start: D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2/
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Writing the video frames into D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2/Video_Frames
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Convert Mov To Wav: D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2/
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Convert Mov To Depth Sequence Start: D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2/
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Writing the depth frames into D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2/Depth_Frames
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Error: Failed to open the depth file: D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2/depth_data.bin.
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Convert Mov To Image Sequence Finished: D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2/
LogCaptureManager: Ingest for take 33_2_iPhone failed: ‘Conversion of data for take 33_2_iPhone failed: Failed to open the depth file: D:/MetaHumans/Content/MetaHumans/bb_Ingested/20230624_33_2/depth_data.bin.’
LogCPSControlMessenger: Response arrived

Please change your iphone name! Iphone setting-general-about-name(do not use non-english character!!!)

i am using English for my iphone…

Similar issue here. During the import it fails. Error says it is failing to open the depth_data.bin file for me. (Already tried renaming my iphone lol)

Any advice would be welcome!

check the logs and copy here for discussion plz.

I worked perfectly on two PC, Show us your screenshot and logs plz

I fixed that by switching capture mode to metahuman animator on my iPhone…hope this help

1 Like

YUP - My livelinkface ingest is failing also.
here’s the output log:
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Processing take (1 of 1): D:/TheChase_Mocap/DW_LiveLinkFace_20231106_iPhone/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Convert Mov To Depth Sequence Start: D:/TheChase_Mocap/DW_LiveLinkFace_20231106_iPhone/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2/
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Writing the depth frames into D:/Unreal Projects/CitySample2/Content/000_MyStuff/Animations/LiveLinkFace/iphone_CapSource_Ingested/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2/Depth_Frames
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Convert Mov To Wav: D:/TheChase_Mocap/DW_LiveLinkFace_20231106_iPhone/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2/
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Convert Mov To Image Sequence Start: D:/TheChase_Mocap/DW_LiveLinkFace_20231106_iPhone/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2/
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Writing the video frames into D:/Unreal Projects/CitySample2/Content/000_MyStuff/Animations/LiveLinkFace/iphone_CapSource_Ingested/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2/Video_Frames
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Convert Mov To Depth Sequence Finished: D:/TheChase_Mocap/DW_LiveLinkFace_20231106_iPhone/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2/
LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Display: Convert Mov To Image Sequence Finished: D:/TheChase_Mocap/DW_LiveLinkFace_20231106_iPhone/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2/
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogFactory: FactoryCreateFile: SoundWave with SoundFactory (0 0 D:/Unreal Projects/CitySample2/Content/000_MyStuff/Animations/LiveLinkFace/iphone_CapSource_Ingested/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2/calibration_2_iPhone.wav)
LogAudioDerivedData: Display: Building compressed audio format BINKA hash BINKA_1000_StreamCache_Ver5027_MEM_65536MaxChnkSize_-10-1-1-1-1-1 wave calibration_2_iPhone_Audio…
LogAudio: Display: Chunk size for SoundWave /Game/000_MyStuff/Animations/LiveLinkFace/iphone_CapSource_Ingested/david_wald_-20231106_calibration_2/calibration_2_iPhone_Audio.calibration_2_iPhone_Audio: 262144
LogAudioDerivedData: Display: Building compressed audio format BINKA hash BINKA_1000_StreamCache_Ver5027_MEM_65536MaxChnkSize
-10-1-1-1-1-1 wave calibration_2_iPhone_Audio…
LogFactory: FactoryCreateFile: MetaHumanCameraCalibration with MetaHumanCameraCalibrationImporterFactory (0 1 D:/TheChase_Mocap/DW_LiveLinkFace_20231106_iPhone/david wald - 20231106_calibration_2/depth_metadata.mhaical)
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogAudio: Display: Chunk size for SoundWave /Game/000_MyStuff/Animations/LiveLinkFace/iphone_CapSource_Ingested/david_wald_-20231106_calibration_2/calibration_2_iPhone_Audio.calibration_2_iPhone_Audio: 262144
LogAudioDerivedData: Display: Building compressed audio format BINKA hash BINKA_1000_StreamCache_Ver5027_MEM_65536MaxChnkSize
-10-1-1-1-1-1 wave calibration_2_iPhone_Audio…
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogAudio: Display: Chunk size for SoundWave /Game/000_MyStuff/Animations/LiveLinkFace/iphone_CapSource_Ingested/david_wald_-_20231106_calibration_2/calibration_2_iPhone_Audio.calibration_2_iPhone_Audio: 262144
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 2.18ms
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogRendererCore: Warning: FlushRenderingCommands called recursively! 2 calls on the stack.
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 1.38ms
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 1.23ms
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 1.13ms
LogCaptureManager: Ingest for take calibration_2_iPhone failed: ‘Validation of ingested files failed’
LogDirectoryWatcher: Display: A directory notification failed for ‘D:/Unreal Projects/CitySample2/Content/’ due to buffer overflow. Attemping another request…
LogDirectoryWatcher: Display: A directory notification failed for ‘D:/Unreal Projects/CitySample2/Content/’ due to buffer overflow. Attemping another request…

Got the same, just keeps failing to transfer! Changed name on iphone to just ‘iphone’ still no joy.

Got it to work in the end. Seems a bit hit and miss. Could be a network connection issue.

I’ve had the same issue and found that one of these Apple plugins fixed it.
Pretty sure it’s the one of the Apple ProRes ones:

I think I may have some insight. When I went back to the phone to do another take, my face never left the frame. I don’t know if this is the smoking gun, but maybe some of you could try doing a take where your face leaves the frame, and a take where it doesn’t, and see if only one of the two imports correctly.

I’d try that myself, but I’m on a deadline right now.