Metahuman Animator: "Error importing audio clip (too big)" when importing clip from Queue

Hi, I’m on Metahuman Animator’s Capture Manager, trying to process a clip I recorded of someone talking,
I have already done the calibration with another short clip and everything was fine but for this one I’m getting an error that says the following:

Error: File ‘xxxxx_Interview_01_1_Audio’ is too big (11834mb), Max=2047mb
LogCaptureManager: Error: Ingest for take xxxxx_Interview_01_1 failed: ‘Error importing audio clip’

I understand it says max size for audio is 2gb but when I tried loading the clip into Premiere, compressing the audio as much as possible and then re-exporting it as a ProRes, the error is the following:

LogMetaHumanCaptureSource: Error: Only MJPG video format is currently supported
LogCaptureManager: Error: Ingest for take Salvados_Interview_01_1 failed: ‘Conversion of data for take xxxxxx_Interview_01_1 failed: Failed to convert .mov file: ‘D:/’ to an image sequence.’

Is there any solution for this inside Unreal or MH Animator without having to compress the audio and re-export the clips?

If not, how can I export a Quicktime .mov WITH MJPEG codec? From what I saw this codec is NOT available to choose in Premiere or After Effects neither in Windows or Mac… and the only solution I saw online was someone exporting with that codec while using Premiere 2017, which seems to be the last version supporting it…

Thanks in advance.