Metahuman Animator: Error importing audio clip / Audio size too big


I’m having trouble when trying to import clips from the queue to use on Metahuman animator due to an error importing audio clip because the file size is bigger than the maximum of 2047mb allowed.

Here’s the log:

Error: File ‘xxxxx_Interview_01_1_Audio’ is too big (11834mb), Max=2047mb

LogAssetTools: Warning: Failed to import ‘C:/Users/xxxxx/Documents/Unreal Projects/MetaHumanLighting/Content/MetahumanAnimator_01/NewMetaHumanCaptureSource_01_Ingested/xxxxxx_Interview_01_1_iPhone/xxxxxx_Interview_01_1_iPhone.wav’. Failed to create asset ‘/Game/MetahumanAnimator_01/NewMetaHumanCaptureSource_01_Ingested/xxxxxx_Interview_01_1_iPhone/xxxxx_Interview_01_1_Audio’.
Please see Output Log for details.
LogFactory: FactoryCreateFile: MetaHumanCameraCalibration with MetaHumanCameraCalibrationImporterFactory (0 1 D://20240403_xxxxx_Interview_01_1/depth_metadata.mhaical)
LogMetaHumanIngestAssetCreator: Display: Camera Calibration asset created successfully
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.63ms
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.34ms
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.33ms
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.26ms

LogCaptureManager: Error: Ingest for take xxxxx_Interview_01_1 failed: ‘Error importing audio clip’

I didn’t know there was a limit to the audio size… so what is the solution for this?

Thanks in advance.