Hi, I’m trying to download the calibration board for Metahuman Animator Stereo-camera setup but the link shows me google drive page that shows I don’t have access to the file. Please is there any way to get the Calibration board? Thanks
Check in your:
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\MetaHuman\Content\StereoCaptureTools
it is called: stereo-calib-grid-16v11h-7p5mm.png
and there you have it (when you downloaded from the marketplace)
Where did you find the link? Sounds like something we need to fix!
Hi, the link is on the “Facial Performance Capture Guidelines” page:
On the Calibration board construction section. Unfortunately the file is still set as private. Its cool that there’s a version already in the Stereocapturetools folder, however if someone is following the tutorial like I was, they are sure to be frustrated. It would be nice to add a note on the tutorial that there’s a file already on your pc.
The google drive link to the file:
FYI the link to the calibration checkerboard from your official guide still doesn’t work.
I have reported the issue in the docs, which we will correct soon!
In the mean time, you can find the checkerboard within the MetaHuman plugin folder of your engine install, eg the default location is:
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\MetaHuman\Content\StereoCaptureTools\stereo-calib-grid-16v11h-7p5mm.png
Hope that helps,
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